About Our Company...
SANMAR SHIPPING S.A. is a provider of services as:
SANMAR is a well-established Greece based shipping company that provides its customers with services tailored to meet their
specific needs. Located in Piraeus, SANMAR undertakes comprehensive shipping business.
In Egypt, our services range from transiting the Suez Canal and/or holding full agency for Ship Owners/Charterers,
supervision of vessels, discharging and loading operations for all kinds of cargo. All these services are provided through our
five local offices in each of the main, strategic Egyptian cities: Alexandria, Cairo, Damietta, Port Said and Suez.
We have the ability to serve any type of vessel in all places all over Egypt.
Worldwide Ship Supply is one of the company's specialties. SANMAR, having secured a leading position in shipping services,
has successfully obtained / attained the representation of reliable Ships' suppliers all over the world. Through our reliable
network, we are capable of supplying vessels in the best manner.
If you are seeking a specialist shipping partner, try our services and we guarantee prompt and reliable services.
After all, service is our business.