Privacy Policy

Sanmar Shipping S.A.respects your right to privacy.The following guidelines dictate the manner in which Sanmar Shipping S.A.
protects the privacy of its users and by accessing, browsing or using this Web site, you acknowledge that you have read,
understood and agreed with the provisions contained herein.

Disclosure and consent are the keys to any good on-line privacy policy; disclosure of what information will be collected and
how it will be used, and consent from individuals for that prescribed use.


Sanmar Shipping S.A. respects the confidential nature of personal information such as your name, e-mail, postal address and
telephone number. Because we must collect certain information to provide our assorted services, we have responsibility to
protect that information from misuse. Any information provided is stored in a secure location, accessible only by Sanmar
Shipping S.A., and is used only for the specific purpose, for which the disclosure is required.


When you visit the Sanmar Shipping S.A. site, some information may be collected automatically by the software that operates
our Web site (i.e. the site from which you linked, your Internet Service Provider, the time and date of your visit). Our
servers do not track, collect, or distribute personal information about visitors to our Web site. This information is used by
our technical engineers to compile aggregate statistics about the total number of daily visitors to our site, the pages most
frequently visited, and how long people stay at each page. None of the information that we report allows for the personal
identification of individuals.

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